at Michigan's Adventure

We check out the new Camp Snoopy in Michigan

Michigan's Adventure Trip Report Photos Taken: 06/22/2024 Posted: 07/15/2024

In this photo update, we share our experiences from our last visit to Michigan's Adventure. Since our last visit, the most significant thing that is new is a new kids area has been developed near the front of the park. The highlight of the visit were ride's on the park's excellent wooden coasters. Shivering Timbers is one of the tallest and longest wooden coasters out there and Wolverine Wildcat has received some recent love with the addition of GCI topper track. Follow along to learn more about what is new at the park.

Entrance at Michigan's Adventure
We're here at Michigan's Adventure! It's been quite a while since our last visit.
Entrance at Michigan's Adventure
Time to head inside.
Entrance at Michigan's Adventure
Lots of old school cedar fair vibes at this park. Several things definitely reminded me of how things used to look at Cedar Point.
Corkscrew at Michigan's Adventure
Elephants at Michigan's Adventure
We started our visit heading towards Shivering Timbers.
Misc at Michigan's Adventure
Mad Mouse at Michigan's Adventure
Misc at Michigan's Adventure
Trabant at Michigan's Adventure
Lots of old school flats still are being operated here which is pretty cool.



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We check out the new Camp Snoopy in Michigan

We check out the new Camp Snoopy in Michigan

Photo Updates Michigan's Adventure 106 Photos Posted: 07/15/2024

Michigan's Adventure 2015

Michigan's Adventure 2015

Photo Updates Michigan's Adventure 104 Photos Posted: 08/23/2015

Michigan's Adventure 2018

Michigan's Adventure 2018

Photo Updates Michigan's Adventure 43 Photos Posted: 08/11/2018

Entrance - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Entrance - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Entrance - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Corkscrew - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Elephants - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Misc - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Mad Mouse - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Misc - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024
Trabant - Michigan's Adventure
Date Taken: 06/22/2024
Date Posted: 07/15/2024